Population: 1378

the town of Tecuanipa (San Miguel Tecuanipa) is located in the Municipality of Tochimilco (in the State of Puebla). There are 1378 inhabitants. Tecuanipa (San Miguel Tecuanipa) is 2278 meters above sea level.
In the town there are 632 men and 746 women. The ratio women per men is 1.180, and the fecundity rate is 3.09 children per woman. People from outside the State of Puebla account for 1.89% of the total population. 11.03% of the inhabitants are illiterate (6.96% of the men, and 14.48% of the women). The average school enrolment ratio is 5.53 (5.95 within the men, and 5.19 within the women).
1.74% of the population is indigenous, and 0.94% of the inhabitants speak one of the indigenous languages. 0.07% of the population speaks one of the indigineous languages, but not Spanish.
38.97% of the inhabitants (more than 12 years) are economically active (52.37% of the men, and 27.61% of the women).
In Tecuanipa (San Miguel Tecuanipa) there are 362 dwellings. 97.02% of the dwellings have electricity, 96.36% have piped water, 82.12% have toilet or restroom, 61.59% have a radio receiver, 83.11% a television, 34.44% a fridge, 10.26% a washing-machine, 25.50% a car or a van, 0.33% a personal computer, 34.11% a landline telephone, 7.62% mobile phone, and 0.00% Internet access.